Sunday, November 22, 2009


In the article "Larimer County experiences spike in suicides" by The Associated Press in the Denver Post says that Fort Collins has set a record for the most suicides in a year. As of last week, Larimer County has experienced 53 suicides which translate into 20.4 per 100,000 residents. The national average for 100,000 residents is 11. They believe this is because of the economy.

Larimer County is north between Denver and Wyoming. There is a lot of farms but there is also a lot of livestock operations in the county. This matters to the world because the economy seems to be bad everywhere. It's not the only reason people commit suicide but seems to be the main reason when the economy is down. It matters to education greatly because people need to learn how to deal with themselves and others when things aren't going well. This matters to me because it makes me realize that there are people out there who are less fortunate than I am.

This reminds me of a story I read last week about the German National goalkeeper, Robert Enke who also committed suicide. He committed suicide because his two year old daughter, Lara died of a rare heart condition and he couldn't handle the loss. Obviously the economy had nothing to do with this.

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