Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I read the Nata Village blog that is posted by natavillage. Their blog is about how people come into their village to educate them on health issues. They are tested and educated at the same time for HIV/Aids. Many people in this village are dying because of HIV and Aids. They are told about the disease and how to prevent it. Many kids are orphans because their parents are dying.

They hold soccer tournaments with as many as seven teams participating. Tebelopele is the group that helped put on the tournament/education. More than one thousand people came out to watch. All these people are being tested and educated while they are there at the tournament. This is actually a fund raiser and a way to get lots of people to come to one place. They are also told about Tuberculosis and simple things like brushing their teeth.

Women in the Nata Village are also making jewelry out of magazines. This helps with their trash problem and also brings money to the village. They are currently clearing land to build a new Secondary school.

What matters about this is that many kids and adults are dying in this village from HIV/Aids. There are many other people around the world that are trying to help them understand what the diseases are and how to prevent them. People are also helping them find ways to make money, like the jewelry making. When people go to the village they also bring clothes and other items for the needy and the orphans.

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